What are leaderboards 🏆?
Leaderboards drive intent and competition amongst your athletes. Through a user-friendly display of athletes' scores for a particular exercise, you can toggle between metrics and time periods to see who is coming out on top.
What is an athlete level login and how do I set it up?
An athlete level login allow you to create an account for your patient/athlete in order to allow them to access their data on the Capture app via their own login.
When the patient/ athlete has downloaded the app, they will have access to complete their account setup and do the following:
Review their own progress
Collect data remotely
Visualise their improvements
Allow coaches/physios to review exercise compliance & improvements
In order to set it up;
Log into the Hub
Navigate to ‘Athlete Hub’
Click into the Athlete/Patient that you wish to set the login for
On the top of the screen next to their name, click the edit button
Navigate to where it says 'Want to invite this athlete to use Output?', input their email address, and hit 'Save Athlete'
The athlete will then receive an email asking them to set up a password
Note: If the 'Set Password' link has expired when the athlete receives the email, the athlete can still download the Capture app and then simply click 'Recover Password' to set a new one.
What is ‘free mode’?
Free mode is available in the majority of the categories within the Capture app. It's a great way to test out a measurement that we might not yet have included.
If you are subsequently looking to add this exercise in, you can do so by creating your very own Custom Exercise via the Hub.
Can I use a free athlete that metrics/exercises won’t be tracked?
Currently all exercises are tracked within the app. However, if you create a Test Athlete as one of your profiles you can use this with as many athletes as you like, essentially using it as a free athlete.
How can I quickly find an exercise I use regularly?
This is where the ♥ icon comes in. On various screens across the Capture app you will see a ♡. If the icon is filled in (♥), it means it is part of your favourites. All favourited exercises appear at the top of each category and also in their own tab on the bottom right hand corner of the screen under the ♡ icon.
I want to update my username (email), how do I do it?
If you are looking to update your username that you use to log into the Capture App and Hub Platform, please let a member of our team know what email you would like it changed to by emailing us on; [email protected]
Why is the top right icon flashing grey?
The App is searching for a sensor to pair with. Once connected, a coloured ring will appear around the sensor symbol. This coloured ring indicates the battery level on your sensor. You can find out more about this here.
Can I record my sets on my camera and use the technology at the same time or do I need to be in the app?
You can toggle on the Video Feature on the pre-record screen, which will allow you to record your exercise whilst also capturing the data.
Note: While completing any exercises with the sensor, you must remain in the Capture App.
I am no longer using an athlete, can I remove them?
There are 2 options which you can do in this instance;
You can delete their profile entirely. This will delete all data associated with this athlete, which you will not be able to recover once done. If you are doing this, we recommend exporting the athlete's data via the Hub first.
You can also archive the athlete profile. This will make this profile dormant, meaning all their data will still be there, but you will not see the athlete's profile. This is done via the Hub by;
Navigate to ‘Athlete Hub’
Click into the Athlete/Patient that you wish to archive
On the top of the screen next to their name, click the edit button
Navigate to where it says 'Archive Athlete' and hit 'Archive Athlete'
To unarchive an athlete;
Navigate to ‘Settings’
Click into 'Subscription & Athlete Profiles'
Find the athlete you wish to unarchive and click 'Unarchive'
I have an issue with an exercise. What can I do?
If an issue presents with an exercise you can report the file to our Tech team.
After the set is finished you can scroll to the bottom of your review screen and click 'Report Issue'. We recommend you input a brief description of what the issue was. Once we find a solution, we will follow up with you to ensure the issue is fixed.
Important: You need an internet connection in order to report an issue, and this can only be reported after immediate exercise completion.
Do I need the internet to use the app?
An internet connection is not necessary to use the Capture app, but it is required in order to login initially. You can also use Airplane mode if required, but you must ensure you have Bluetooth turned on.
Important: We recommend pairing your device to an internet connection after use, as without an internet connection, your device will not sync data back to the cloud and thus your completed measurements will not appear on the Hub or other devices logged into your account.
Important: If you have used the Capture app without internet DO NOT sign out or delete the app. This may cause the data to be lost.
What does Loaded Jump in the Jumps module allow me to measure?
Loaded Jumps, unlike CMJ and Squat Jump, allow you to easier analyse jumps that are being performed with load.
In addition to the metrics of Jump Height, Flight Time, Takeoff Velocity and Work, you will also be able to view an athlete's Takeoff Momentum.
What does the % change post completion of an exercise mean?
When an athlete/patient completes an exercise you will see a green or red % directly under the main metric on the results screen. This is indicating what percentage difference there is from the exercise/set that was just completed in relation to the rolling average of the last 10 exercises/sets performed.
If you click on the percentage it will also explain this for you.
How can I review the history for an exercise?
On the home screen of the Capture app, under the 'Recent Activity' section you can review all history for all exercises recorded in the last 30 days.
By clicking into the dumbbell icon on the bottom of the Capture app and locating the exercise you would like to view the history for, you can then click the History icon . This will allow you to review the complete history for that exercise.
What does the Nordics feature allow me to measure?
Nordics allow for the measurement of the angle of failure, duration and velocity during the movement. Meaning you can easily assess overall ROM and aim to increase this over time in order to progress. You can find an article, written by Dr. Tom Maden-Wilkinson, about in the in's and out's of Hamstring strains here; Hamstring Strain Injuries Article
Reliability and Validity
The body of evidence supporting our system’s validity and reliability is ever-growing and the most up to date Research & Development underpinning the Output system can be found here on our website; The Validity And Reliability Of Output Sports
What are the technical specifications for the Capture App?
MOBILE & TABLET: Minimum iOS 16.1 or Android 10 (more information on downloading the app here)
Models not supported - iPad Air 2 or below, iPad mini 4 or below, iPhone 7 or below, Samsung Galaxy Tab A models prior to 2023, Samsung Galaxy Tab S4
For iPads we recommend 9th generation or higher
CLOUD: Functions online and offline
DATA EXPORT: .CSV/Excel files + API option
Note: If you require access to our non-play store Android APK, please download that here.
Ghost reps in VBT
Occasionally you may see additional reps being counted. This may be due to factors such as a low or high unrack or rerack.
First, check what firmware version your sensor is running. You can find more info on that here. If you are still running into some issues, we suggest the following to help;
Use the timer down the bottom right hand side of the pre-record screen to give your athlete a chance to unrack the bar and get into the start position
You can edit the set post completion by using the edit button to clear any ghost reps - more info here
You may actually notice that the set corrects itself. In this case you do not have to do anything.
Customize metrics
When reviewing a rep based exercise you have the option to customise what metrics you would like to review. Simply click 'Customize metrics' down the bottom of the review screen and select the metrics you would like to see and what order.
If you are using a phone, you can expand or collapse the bar charts.
If you are using a tablet, the bar charts remain expanded.
You can update your selection at any stage.
Note: If you change the metrics that are shown and you are sharing login details with someone, the chosen metrics will also update for them.
Important: Your Capture app needs to be running version 2.28.0 or higher to have access to this feature. You can learn more about how to update your app here.
Auto Stop Feature in Mobility
Within each mobility exercise you will notice an auto-stop feature that can be toggled on or off. You can also pre-set what time period you would like to use.
This feature allows your athlete/patient to perform their ROM as normal, but they then have to hold the end position for the time you have specified. After the time has elapsed, the exercise will finish itself.
This feature can be particularly beneficial if the athlete/patient is running the test themselves or you would like to stabilise other body segments while they are performing the test.
How Balance & Stability Works
Both balance and stability work very similarly. These exercises will objectively quantify how much balance or stability an athlete/patient has during a specific task. The balance module focuses more on single-leg and double-leg based tasks, while stability focuses more on core strength based exercises such as planks and glute bridges.
Both balance and stability scores are computed by taking the magnitude of the variance in accelerations across the x, y and z planes. The closer this score is to 0, the better the athlete's/patient's balance or stability.
The below video shows the bio-feedback provided in real time. The green circle will become bigger if the athlete/patient is moving.
How Inputs Work
Inputs is a section within the Output App that does not use sensor to track data. It allows you as a practitioner to record data for exercises that Output currently does not offer. For example, a broad jump. We currently do not measure broad jumps directly with an Output Sensor, so users can instead input the broad jump distance and save the data in the Output app.
What can I measure in the Strength Endurance & Pathway modules?
The Strength Endurance and Pathway modules in the app are also commonly referred to as Angular Velocity Based Training (A-VBT). These exercises aim to provide the value that VBT data does, but with the added assessment of ROM in the dominant limb in an exercise e.g. the thigh in a squat or the upper-arm in a bench press. It may also be beneficial if doing 1RM testing like Ursinus College have implemented in the example below.
Recommended Devices
When getting started with Output, having a suitable device is vital to get the most from the system. Below we have recommended some devices to get you started:
Android (Your Android device will need to be running at least Android 10 or higher, but the more recent the Android device the better)
Samsung A9
Lenovo M9
Models not supported; Samsung Galaxy Tab A models prior to 2023, Samsung Galaxy Tab S4.
iOS (Your iOS device will need to be running at least iOS16.1 or higher)
For iPads, we recommend 9th generation or higher.
Models not supported; iPad Air 2 or below, iPad mini 4 or below, iPhone 7 or below
Is landscape mode available on tablets?
Yes. From update 2.27.0, landscape mode is available on both iPads and Android tablets (minimum screen size 7" for Android). Simply turn your tablet on its side to enable landscape mode and benefit from the extra screen space.
Service Terms and Conditions
If your chosen payment plan is monthly, the minimum subscription commitment is 12 months. This is a term and condition which is accepted at point of purchase. More information can be found here.