What is a custom exercise?
Custom exercise allows you to create any exercise you wish. They can then be logged and tracked, similar to an Output exercise.
With custom exercises you can;
Add a YouTube video
Create your own coaching instructions
Create your own search terms
Choose whether you would like the exercise to be sensor tracking or non-sensor tracking
Note: Sensor tracking means you use the Output sensor, and will be able to test and track various metrics dependent on the exercise.
Note: Non-sensor tracking means you do not use the Output sensor and instead just log parameters in the app such as reps and/or weight.
How to create a custom exercise
Navigate to the new tab on Hub called 'Exercise Library'.
On the top right of your screen click 'Add Exercise'.
Give your custom exercise a name.
You then have the options of adding a YouTube instructional video and/or written instructions. If you enter your instructions on new lines, it will automatically number them for you.
You then need to set the configurations for your custom exercise. You can choose between a sensor exercise (i.e. sensor tracking) or non-sensor exercise (i.e. non-sensor tracking).
If you would like your exercise to be sensor tracking, you must choose a Base Exercise (i.e. what exercise would you like your custom exercise to mimic).
The configuration will then default to that exercise. e.g. if you choose back squat as your base exercise, your custom exercise will function the exact same
Sensor tracking custom exercises are stored in the module or the base exercise category that you have chosen. e.g. if you create a squat variation it will be in the Barbell Velocity module
If you would like your exercise to be non-sensor tracking, you can choose from weight and/or reps to be tracked
Non-sensor tracking custom exercises are stored in the Custom Exercise module
You then have the option to associate metadata to that exercise, which helps with filtering and searching. You can choose from existing Equipment and Body Segment options, and you also have the option to include your own Search Terms.
Once created you can immediately start using and tracking your new custom exercise!
Important: If you want to utilise 1RM tracking for a non-sensor tracking exercise you have created, you must tick the weight and rep based boxes first. You will then see the option for One Rep Max.
How do I know what base exercise to pick?
When creating a custom exercise it can be difficult to choose the most appropriate base exercise to use for your new custom exercise. We have given some suggestions below to help when making this decision.
What do you want to assess with your custom exercise? E.g. just reps and weight or velocity, jump height etc.
What Output exercise is this similar to? E.g. a hack squat may use a back squat due to the similar movement pattern of the exercise.
Give this exercise a go. If it records all reps and provides the metrics you want to track, great! You can then use this exercise as your base exercise.
Editing a custom exercise
Once a custom exercise has been created, some aspects of it can be edited.
Simply click the exercise from the 'Exercise Library' and then click the 'Edit'
You can update;
Name of the exercise
The YouTube video
Metadata (equipment, body segments, search terms)
Deleting a custom exercise
To delete a custom exercise from your Exercise Library:
Click the exercise you wish to delete from the 'Exercise Library'
In the pop-up screen, navigate to the bottom right and click the 'Delete'
A confirmation checkbox will appear - tick the box to confirm that you want to permanently delete the exercise.
Important: You can no longer archive custom made exercises, but you can access existing archived exercises by using the filter option in the 'Exercise Library'.
Important: Deleting a custom exercise will remove all associated data and unlink it from other areas such as workouts and leaderboards.
Migrating previously used Custom Exercises in the Workouts category
When creating a new workout you will see that the Custom exercise option that was previously available under 'Other Steps' is now gone. In replace there is a custom exercise option next to the Exercises on the left of the screen.
If you have previously used the old custom exercise option, you will notice a yellow triangle box next to that exercise. You only have to update it if you wish to make any edits to that particular exercise.
By editing it, it will allow you to save it as a custom exercise which you will now be able to track and record.