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Non-Sensor Tracking Exercises

Tracking data without using an Output Sensor

Elizabeth Kinsella-Kent avatar
Written by Elizabeth Kinsella-Kent
Updated over a week ago

How to track data without using a sensor

When using Output you may not always want to use the sensor for tracking data, with this in mind we have designed a feature so you can still include the completed movement.

If you are using any exercise from the Barbell Velocity, Slams, Swings & Throws, Strength Endurance, and/or Strength Pathway categories, you can use the non-sensor tracking option via the toggle button - located on the bottom of the Capture app pre-record screen.

Once enabled, you will be able to log weight and reps only without the need for a sensor. The button will also read as 'Save' rather than 'Start'.

Tip: If you do not have a sensor connected, the non-sensor tracking toggle will default to on.

Note: If you have created your own non-sensor tracking exercise, it will be stored in the Custom Exercise module. Find out more about how to create your own exercises here.

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