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How to edit/update exercises post completion and record notes
How to edit/update exercises post completion and record notes

Deleting reps from a set, updating weight lifted, updating the side that the exercise was performed on (variant), updating the date of completion, moving data from one athlete profile to another, and record notes about exercises.

Written by Julian Eberle
Updated over 2 weeks ago

When using Output you may want to edit reps, variant or weight from a set. You may also want to swap data from one athlete profile to another if it was recorded under the incorrect profile for example or update the measurement date.

Upon completing a set or accessing the history for the desired exercise, the above can easily be done within the exercise review screen as seen below.

This process does have to be done on an exercise by exercise basis. Meaning you can't edit multiple results at once.

What you can edit;

  • Athlete - who completed the exercise

  • Date - the date the measurement was completed on

  • Weight - how much weight was lifted

  • Variant - what side was the measurement completed on

  • Reps - how many reps were completed

How to edit an exercise;

  1. Click into the history of the exercise you are looking to update the information for

  2. Click the Edit button located within the top right hand buttonon the results screen

  3. From here, depending on the exercise you have chosen, you can then update the athlete, weight, reps and/or variant

  4. Once you are happy with the edits just click the 'Save' button on the bottom of the screen

Note: If you update the weight and/or delete reps, it will also update the overall results and metrics for that set. Once reps have been deleted, this cannot be undone.

Important: If you choose the Delete option from the menu, it will delete all the data for that set/effort. Once data has been deleted, this cannot be undone.

Note: This does not have to be done on immediate post completion of an exercise. You can edit an exercise at any stage by clicking into it via the history for that exercise.

Copy of Copy of Hub gif-2

The notes field

Immediate post completion of an exercise on the results screen or when you click into the history for a certain exercise, if you scroll down a little on the screen you will see a 'Note' section.

This will allow you as a coach or the athlete themselves, to make notes or comments about that particular exercise or set. Once saved, you can then review these notes anytime you click into that exercise on the Capture app, or when you are reviewing data or exporting data on Hub.

The videos below will take you through both the Capture and Hub views.

Note: You can edit or update the Note at any stage, but it must be done via the Capture app.

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