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Sensor Tips & Tricks 2.0

Our software handles the optimisation of its configuration so all you need to know is how to keep the unit charged and how to turn it on and off.

Elizabeth Kinsella-Kent avatar
Written by Elizabeth Kinsella-Kent
Updated over a week ago

Important: The following page is for sensors running firmware version 5.12 or higher. If your sensor is running an earlier version please refer to this page.

Switching The Unit On/Off


Turn on your sensor by pressing and holding the button on the top right hand side of the sensor. The lights will turn on/flash a blue colour.


  • Turn off your sensor by closing the Capture app fully. After roughly 5mins the sensor will then turn off itself. You will know it is off when the lights are off.


  • Press and hold the button for 3s until the lights turn off. You will know it is off when the lights are off.

Charging The Sensor

  1. Connect a USB-C cable to the charging port of the sensor. The light will turn a solid amber.

  2. Upon completion of charging the light will change to a solid green and you can carefully disconnect the charging cable.

Note: It takes just under 1 hour to charge the sensor from 0% to 100%


Battery Life of V2 sensor: > 24 hours

If your sensor is flashing red, this means there is 10% battery left.

Within your Capture app, there is a circle around the sensor icon on the top right hand side. This colour will give you a rough guide to the battery level of you sensor:

  • Green > 75

  • Yellow > 50

  • Red 25

LED Lights

The lights on the sensor will turn different colours and/or flash in different states to tell you different things. We’ve outlined below what each of these mean.

  • No lights = Sensor is off

  • Fast blue flashing state = Sensor is currently not connected to any device and is ready to be paired

  • Solid blue followed by slower flashing state = Sensor has connected to a device and is ready to begin testing

  • Constant white/blue flashing state = Sensor is streaming (ie you are mid exercise)

  • Flashing red state = low battery (10%)

  • When charging, a solid amber light will show

  • When fully charged, a solid green light will show

Updating the V2 Sensor to the latest firmware

If an update is available for your V2 sensor, you will see the banner below in the Capture app once the sensor is connected.

By clicking on the 'Update Now' link it will bring you straight to the sensor settings where you can update the sensor.

Technical Specifications of the V2 Sensor

DIMENSIONS: 50 X 33 X 15 mm

MASS: 21 g


ACCELEROMETER: +/- 2G-16G, 16 bit

GYROSCOPE: +/- 125-2000 dps, 16 bit

MAGNETOMETER: +/- 1300 µT (x,y axis), +/- 2500 µT (z axis) / Resolution: 0.3

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