Switching the Sensor On/Off
Turn on your sensor by pressing and holding the button on the top right hand side of the sensor. The lights will turn on/flash.
Turn off your sensor by closing the Capture app fully. After ~5mins the sensor will then turn off itself. You will know it is off when the lights are off.
Press and hold the button for 3s until the lights turn off. You will know it is off when the lights are off.
What do the LED lights mean?
The lights on the sensor will turn different colours and/or flash in different states to tell you different things. We've outlined below what each of these mean.
No lights = Sensor is off
Fast blue flashing state = Sensor is currently not connected to any device and is ready to be paired
Solid blue followed by slower flashing state = Sensor has connected to a device and is ready to begin testing
Constant white/blue flashing state = Sensor is streaming (i.e. you are mid exercise)
Flashing red state = low battery (10%)
When charging, a solid amber light will show
When fully charged, a solid green light will show
Do I need to calibrate my sensor?
Your sensor(s) will come to you already calibrated and ready for you to test with. You can check the status of your calibration via the Sensor settings menu in the Capture app.
Where do I place my sensor during testing?
Your sensor placement will differ based on the exercise and/or the module you are testing. Below we've outlined all sensor placements and why that location.
The '?' button located in each exercise will also show exercise placement for each movement.
What is the battery life on my sensor?
The battery life of your V2 sensor is > 24 hours or 8 hours of constant use.
If your sensor is flashing red, this means there is 10% battery left.
Within your Output Capture app, there will be a circle around the sensor icon on the top right-hand side. This colour will give you a rough guide to the battery level of your sensor:
Green > 75%
Yellow > 50%
Red 25%
Do I need the internet to use my sensor?
An internet connection is not necessary to use the Capture app, but it is required in order to login initially. You can also use Airplane mode if required, but you must ensure you have Bluetooth turned on.
Important: We recommend pairing your device to an internet connection after use, as without an internet connection, your device will not sync data back to the cloud and thus your completed measurements will not appear on the Hub or other devices logged into your account.
Important: If you have used the Capture app without internet DO NOT sign out or delete the app. This may cause the data to be lost.
Can I get a replacement sensor if mine breaks or is lost?
There is a warranty of 2 years on all sensors. During this time we will repair or replace Warranted equipment.
Warranted Equipment means: (i) Sensors that are defective or do not otherwise function due to any design or manufacturing faults; and (ii) in the case of Subscriptions only, Sensors that otherwise ceases to function as a result of fair wear and tear arising from normal use.
If you believe your sensor requires repair or replacement, please get in touch with us and we can help you with the next steps; [email protected]
Note: Your warranty may depend on the type of subscription you have with us
My sensor won't connect. What do I do now?
If your sensor won't connect to your device there are a couple of troubleshooting tasks you can try:
Ensure Bluetooth is turned on.
Ensure all permissions for the Capture App are enabled via the 'Settings' on your device.
Including ensuring GPS is enabled if using an Android device.
Ensure your app is up to date. We advise on enabling automatic updates in your App Store or Play Store.
Check the colour your sensor is flashing. If it's a slow blue flash, some other device is connected to it. If it's a rapid blue flash, it's ready to pair.
Check your phone's software. Ensure it is fully up to date.
If you are still having issues, you can try changing the pairing mode on the sensor. This is done by holding the sensor button for 5-8s until it flashes blue and green, and you pair to the app as normal. (Please note this is only for sensors running slightly older firmware. You can find out more here.)
If the issue persists please contact a member of support at [email protected].
I have an issue with an exercise. What can I do?
If you encounter a problem during an exercise (for example, if the sensor fails to detect repetitions), you can report the file to our Tech team.
After the set is finished you can scroll to the bottom of your review screen and click 'Report Issue'. We recommend you input a brief description of what the issue was. Once we find a solution, we will follow up with you to ensure the issue is fixed.
Important: You need an internet connection in order to report an issue, and this can only be reported after immediate exercise completion
Can I use multiple sensors at once?
A sensor can only connect to one device at one time.
You can, however, quickly switch between sensors in the pairing mode on your device. Simply click the sensor you wish to connect to and your device will automatically disconnect from the current sensor and repair to the next sensor.
We recommend setting out your sensors at certain stations (e.g. rack 1, rack 2 etc) so your athletes can easily identify where each sensor is.
What are the technical specifications of the V2 sensor?
DIMENSIONS: 50 X 33 X 15 mm
MASS: 21 g
ACCELEROMETER: +/- 2G-16G, 16 bit
GYROSCOPE: +/- 125-2000 dps, 16 bit
MAGNETOMETER: +/- 1300 µT (x,y axis), +/- 2500 µT (z axis) / Resolution: 0.3
Need further help?
If you are still experiencing issues, please reach out to the Output Support Team at [email protected].
To action your request, please provide support with as much detail as possible, including:
A detailed description of the issue, including what troubleshooting steps you have already attempted.
The sensor number (located at the back of the sensor).
Model and software version of the Android / iOS application and the device you are using.
Any images and / or videos of the problem that could help us troubleshoot.