I am no longer using an athlete, can I remove them?
There are 2 options which you can do in this instance;
You can delete their profile entirely. This will delete all data associated with this athlete, which you will not be able to recover once done. If you are doing this, we recommend exporting the athlete's data via the Hub first.
You can also archive the athlete profile. This will make this profile dormant, meaning all their data will still be there, but you will not see the athlete's profile. This is done via the Hub by;
Navigate to ‘Athlete Hub’
Click into the Athlete/Patient that you wish to archive
On the top of the screen next to their name, click the edit button
Navigate to where it says 'Archive Athlete' and hit 'Archive Athlete'
To unarchive an athlete;
Navigate to ‘Settings’
Click into 'Subscription & Athlete Profiles'
Find the athlete you wish to unarchive and click 'Unarchive'
How to add an organisation profile photo to your account
By adding an organisation profile photo to your account, it will add a little more personalisation to your account. It will also add this photo to any reports that you create.You can do this by;
Click the image placeholder on the bottom left hand side of the Hub platform
This will bring you to the Settings section of Hub where you can view details about your account
Simply click the grey image and choose the profile photo you would like to use from you computer files
You can update your profile photo at any stage by following the steps above.
I want to update my username (email), how do I do it?
If you are looking to update your username that you use to log into the Capture App and Hub Platform, please let a member of our team know what email you would like it changed to by emailing us on; [email protected]
How can I delete data from the Hub
If you can looking to delete certain data from an athlete's profile, you can do it by;
Find the athlete that you are looking to delete the data for and click their name
Once you are in their athlete profile, select the exercise you would like to delete the data for
This can be done via the 'Longitudinal Tracking' or 'List of Measurements' via
If using the 'Longitudinal Tracking' view, click the data point you would like to delete and then click the bin icon
If using the 'List of Measurements' view, scroll to find the data you would like to delete, expand it out and then click the 'Delete This Activity' button
You can also delete data from the Capture app. You can find out more information here.
Important: Once data has been deleted it cannot be retrieved
How can I create my own exercise?
Navigate to the tab on Hub called 'Exercise Library'.
On the top right of your screen click 'Add Exercise'.
Give your custom exercise a name.
You then have the options of adding a YouTube instructional video and/or written instructions. If you enter your instructions on new lines, it will automatically number them for you.
You then need to set the configurations for your custom exercise. You can choose between a sensor exercise (ie sensor tracking) or non-sensor exercise (ie non-sensor tracking).
If you would like your exercise to be sensor tracking, you must choose a Base Exercise (ie what exercise would you like your custom exercise to mimic).
The configuration will then default to that exercise. eg if you choose back squat as your base exercise, your custom exercise will function the exact same
Sensor tracking custom exercises are stored in the module or the base exercise category that you have chosen. e.g. if you create a squat variation it will be in the Barbell Velocity module
If you would like your exercise to be non-sensor tracking, you can choose from weight and/or reps to be tracked
Non-sensor tracking custom exercises are stored in the Custom Exercise module
You then have the option to associate metadata to that exercise, which helps with filtering and searching. You can choose from existing Equipment and Body Segment options, and you also have the option to include your own Search Terms.
Once created you can immediately start using and tracking your new custom exercise!
What is an athlete level login and how do I set it up?
An athlete level login allow you to create an account for your patient/athlete in order to allow them to access their data on the Capture app via their own login.
When the patient/ athlete has downloaded the app, they will have access to complete their account setup and do the following:
Review their own progress
Collect data remotely
Visualise their improvements
Allow coaches/physios to review exercise compliance & improvements
In order to set it up;
Log into the Hub
Navigate to ‘Athlete Hub’
Click into the Athlete/Patient that you wish to set the login for
On the top of the screen next to their name, click the edit button
Navigate to where it says 'Want to invite this athlete to use Output?', input their email address, and hit 'Save Athlete'
The athlete will then receive an email asking them to set up a password
Note: If the 'Set Password' link has expired when the athlete receives the email, the athlete can still download the Capture app and then simply click 'Recover Password' to set a new one.
How do I change my password?
Log in to the Hub
Navigate to your 'Settings'
Select ‘Account’
Scroll to change the password
Change password
Save changes
How can I add a rest timer to my workouts?
Log in to the Hub.
Navigate to your 'Workouts'.
Select or create a workout.
Select the exercise you wish to add a rest period to.
Enter your rest time in seconds, it'll appear in minutes when using in-app.
After completing the exercise in your workout using the Capture app, a green bar will show on the 'UP NEXT ' banner. Once the rest time has elapsed it will ding and the bar will then turn red, indicating that the rest time is over.
What is a widget?
In the context of our dashboards, a widget refers to various components you can choose from in order to display specific data or metrics related to an athlete's performance, training, or health. These widgets will help you, as a coach, to quickly access and interpret critical data, facilitating informed decision-making and enhancing overall performance. You can add as many widgets as you would like to a dashboard.
What is an 'active' athlete?
In the context of our group dashboards, an active athlete refers to an athlete that has recorded data during the time period you have chosen to use. So for example, if an athlete was missing for that particular session they would have no data for that chosen time period and therefore would not be part of the 'active' athletes.
For Dashboard widgets settings, what is the best and average options referring to?
The best score achieved for an athlete
In the context of a group setting, it uses the single best score from the group of athletes
The average of the results for the chosen time period. eg if you chose a month as the time period, it will average all the scores from the month
What is the difference between Athlete Dashboards vs Group Dashboards?
You can find a blog here which will help you to discover the key differences between Athlete Dashboards and Group Dashboards, and how they help coaches track performance, analyze trends, and improve outcomes.
How can I access information about my subscription?
Log in to the Hub
Navigate to your 'Settings'
Select ‘Subscription’
From here you will be able to see what your package includes, as well as the number of athletes you have used. You can also view your 'Subscription End Date'.
Service Terms and Conditions
If your chosen payment plan is monthly, the minimum subscription commitment is 12 months. This is a term and condition, which is accepted at point of purchase. More information can be found here.