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Athlete Dashboards

Create your own athlete dashboards to be able to quickly monitor, profile and compare your athletes through a variety of visuals. Allowing you to easily evaluate your athletes' performance in various exercises.

Elizabeth Kinsella-Kent avatar
Written by Elizabeth Kinsella-Kent
Updated this week

The athlete dashboard feature serves as an all-in-one platform for coaches. Built and designed with coaches in mind, you can quickly access essential metrics and insights without the hassle of complicated processes, allowing you to focus on your athletes' training goals. By analyzing past performance for your athletes, you can identify trends, adjust training strategies, and set realistic goals and targets based on your athlete's data.

You have the complete flexibility to design your own individualized interfaces based on your preferred methods of data visualization. The athlete dashboard enables easy comparisons across sessions, exercises, and groups, allowing you to quickly monitor, profile and/or compare. You can quickly evaluate your athletes' performance in various exercises, helping to pinpoint strengths and areas for improvement. The customization within the athlete dashboard has the ability to provide a comprehensive indication of where an athlete's physical outputs lie.

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Main Features

Some of the main features of the Athlete Dashboard includes;

  • Tailoring your dashboards to display specific metrics that are relevant to individual athletes, making it easier to measure ongoing performance and make timely decisions based on current information.

  • Quickly identify essential insights, which in turn should help to support better decision-making and athlete management.

  • Choose from various types of visual data, such as graphs and charts, to make it easier to digest complex information at a glance.

  • Define KPIs to help track progress towards an individual's goals, providing insights into performance and areas needing attention.

  • Set targets for your athlete's and quickly assess how close they are to achieving them.

  • Easily identify asymmetries between limbs with the addition of the asymmetric metric.

  • Access real-time data updates, which are crucial for monitoring, profiling and comparing ongoing performance and making timely decisions based on current information.

  • Compare and benchmark your athlete's against groups* in your account, so you know where each athlete stands and what areas they may need more work in.

Note: *groups may not be included in your current package. You can reach out to [email protected] to learn more.

What is a widget and what widgets can I create?

In the context of our dashboards, a widget refers to various components you can choose from in order to display specific data or metrics related to an athlete's performance, training, or health. These widgets will help you, as a coach, to quickly access and interpret critical data, facilitating informed decision-making and enhancing overall performance. You can add as many widgets as you would like to a dashboard.

The widgets you can choose from are split into 3 categories, and include visualizations such as longitudinal charts, gauge charts, KPIs, target charts, and comparisons. Each category and type of data visualization available is further explained below or you can click one of the options below to bring you to that category;


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Measure growth in real time by instantly comparing your athletes' latest session with past performance to visualize their progress. See when and where your athlete's have improved and gain a deeper insight into your athlete's overall performance for certain exercises. For example, you might want to look at an athlete’s max jump height on a loaded trap bar over time or compare their jump height in a CMJ to their overall peak force in a back squat.

Choose from;

  • Metric Progression

    • Allows you to plot a single measure over a chosen time period, with the option of adding an athlete's PB

  • Metric Comparison Progression

    • Allows you to plot up to two measures over a chosen time period

Worked example - Metric progression;

In relation to the graph shown below, we notice a 30% increase in the athlete's Bench Press - Overall Mean Power. This is calculated based on the date range we have selected, which is from the average value of 646W recorded in September 2024 compared to the average value of 496W recorded in October 2023. You will also notice a nice feature displaying the athlete's personal best of 1294W, which was achieved in August 2024.

We can at any stage click on the pencil icon to edit the widget. From here, we can edit the graph in terms of the measure (what exercise you want to plot), metric (what metric for that exercise you want to plot), use (choose between the average or best data points), and date period (what time period you would like to show the data for). There is also the option to tick the personal best icon on or off.

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Worked example - Metric Comparison Progression;

The graph below is showing two different metrics. We can see a decrease of 16% in jump height from the last year (compares the most recent measure to the the measure completed 365 days ago). However, we can see an increase of 42% in terms of the athlete's overall peak force for their back squats. Similar to above, we can use the pencil icon to update this widget at any stage. We can also hover over the % values provided for the CMJ and Back Squat to show what values they are referring to.

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Profile your athlete’s physical status based on KPI’s & Targets. Set targets and goals, and track their progress with precision with various KPIs. Whether it is smashing personal bests or building long-term strength, you'll have the data you need to quickly assess where your athlete is in that point of time and how close they are to achieving their targets that you have set out for them.

Choose from;

  • Metric Performance

    • Assess an athlete's latest average or best score for a bilateral exercise vs the average or best for a chosen time period

  • Metric Asymmetries

    • Assess an athlete's latest average or best score for a unilateral exercises vs the average or best for a chosen time period, which is particularly useful for identifying imbalances.

  • Bilateral Target Chart

    • Set a target for a chosen bilateral exercise and assess how your athlete is working towards the set target.

  • Unilateral Target Chart

    • Set a target for a chosen unilateral exercise and assess how your athlete is working towards the set target.

  • Target (Gauge Chart)

    • Visually represent an athlete’s progress towards a specific goal for a bilateral exercise.

  • Unilateral Target (Gauge Chart)

    • Visually represent an athlete’s progress towards a specific goal for a unilateral exercise.

Worked Example - Metric Performance;

The athlete's average back squat overall mean power of 503W from their latest session, is an improvement of 41% compared to their previous session average.

A blue information icon () will be displayed if the data being analyzed is older than a week.

You can hover over the +41% icon to learn more about the data being analyzed.

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Worked Example - Metric Asymmetries;

From the latest session, the athlete's average straight leg raise range of motion (ROM) of 79° on their left leg, shows an improvement of 3% compared to the average for the last 365 days.

On their right side, there is a 2% decrease in their ROM.

The asymmetry value of 4% indicates that the Left side is 4% better than the Right side.

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Worked Example - Bilateral Target Chart;

Over the last 365 days, the athlete's average best CMJ jump height of 46.4cm, recorded in January 2024, has achieved 92% of the set target of 50cm.

The athlete's average best CMJ jump height can be found by hovering over % icon next to 'CMJ - Jump Height'.

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Worked Example - Unilateral Target Chart;

Over the last 365 days, the athlete's average best single leg balance score of 0.23 for their Left side, recorded in December 2023, has achieved 128% of the set target of 0.3.

On their right side, based on their average best value of 2.49, they have achieved 12% of the set target of 0.3.

The athlete's average best single leg balance score can be found by hovering over % icon next to 'Single Leg - Balance Score Side'.

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Worked Example - Target (Gauge Chart);

The athlete's average CMJ jump height of 23.5cm, from their latest session compared to the average from the last 30 days, has achieved 78% of the set target of 30cm.

The gauge chart will change colours the closer the athlete is to the target. Once the athlete has reached or surpassed the target set, the gauge chart will be fully teal.

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Worked Example - Unilateral Target (Gauge Chart);

The athlete's average shoulder external rotation ROM of 86° on their left side, from their latest session compared to the average from the last 30 days, has achieved 95% of the set target of 90°.

On their right side, they have achieved 97% of the set target of 90°.

The target set for this widget, is the target for both sides.

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Important: If groups is not included in your current package, you will not have access to this widget. You can reach out to [email protected] to learn more.

Effortlessly compare athletes in a single exercise or multiple exercises against any group in your account to see exactly how they compare. Whether it's within the team or across different programs, know where each athlete stands and what areas they may need more work in. This is a great way to see if an athlete is flourishing within the environment that you have created or with the program that you developed. These widgets are the only widgets that will use the group selected to compare data to. All other widgets are only comparing the chosen athlete's data.

Choose from;

  • Multi-Metric Bilateral Comparison

    • Allows you to compare up to 6 bilateral metrics for an athlete against the average or best of a group. This widget enables a direct comparison of individual performance against the group’s collective performance.

  • Single Metric Bi/Unilateral Comparison

    • Allows you to compare an athlete against a group for a single metric - bilateral or unilateral. This widget enables a direct comparison of individual performance against the group’s collective performance.

Worked Example - Multi-Metric Bilateral Comparison;

Looking at the data below from the past year, we observe that the athlete's best estimated 1RM for their Bench Press is 133.73kg, which is lower than the group's best performance of 264.51kg, as indicated by the grey and teal colored bar. Conversely, when evaluating the athlete’s best Double Leg balance score of 0.1, we find that it matches the group’s best score of 0.1, resulting in the bar turning fully teal, signifying equality. Additionally, for the remainder of the other chosen metrics, the athlete's scores are nearing the group best, with the colored bar transitioning from grey to teal as performance improves.

There is also an option to override the dashboard filter by clicking on the button in the top right corner of the widget and selecting a different group for the athlete to be compared to. This allows the athlete to be compared to a different group just for that selected widget. The 'Reset' button next to the group filter at the top of the dashboard will reset the widget back to it's primary dashboard comparison group. You can compare up to six different bilateral metrics.

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Worked Example - Single Metric Bi/Unilateral Comparison;

In relation to the data below, we notice the athlete's average Jump Height score of 20.4cm on the left leg is 21% better than the group average score of 16.8cm from the last year. We also notice the athlete's average Jump Height score of 11.1cm on the right leg is 34% worse than the group average score of 16.8cm from the last year. The group average of 16.8cm for Jump Height is an average of both the left and right legs.

Creating an Athlete Dashboard

When creating an athlete dashboard for the first time, you will first have to create the dashboard itself, then choose what widgets you would like to use to display your data, and then finally choose the overall configurations for you dashboard. Each section is outlined below.

You can create as many dashboards as you would like. For example you might have one dashboard for monitoring and one dashboard for profiling.

How to create an Athlete Dashboard?

  1. From the Dashboard home page, click ‘+ Create New’ at the top right of your screen.

  2. You will be given the option to '+ New widget' or '+ New dashboard'.

  3. Click '+ New dashboard' and then 'Athlete Dashboard'.

  4. You will then be presented with a new dashboard and can begin to add in the widgets you would like to visualize and also set the configurations for your dashboard.

How to create a new widget and/or add a widget to your dashboard?

There are two ways of adding a widget to your dashboard;

  1. Click ‘Create New’ at the top right of your screen.

    1. You will be given the option to '+ New widget' or '+ New dashboard'.

    2. Click '+ New widget', select your preferred widget from the options available and click 'Continue'.

  2. Click the box ‘+ Add new widget’.

    1. Select your preferred widget from the options available and click 'Continue'.

  • Once you have selected the widget you want to use to visualize your data, you can then edit it to show the information you are looking for.

  • Once you are happy with the edits, you can click 'Save' and the widget will be added to your dashboard.

    • You can edit a widget at any stage by clicking the pencil icon .

Setting the configurations for your dashboard

  • Renaming your dashboard

    • When you first create a dashboard the name will default to ‘New Athlete Dashboard (date of creation)’, which can be changed at any stage.

    • Simply hover over the name and click the pencil icon .

  • Choosing your default dashboard

    • By setting a dashboard as your default, this will be the dashboard that the 'Dashboards' home screen will always default back to. You can update this at any time.

    • Simply select the dashboard you would like to set as the default and click 'Set as default'.

  • Selecting the athlete and group

    • You can quickly toggle between your athlete's at any stage to use their data to populate the widgets you have created.

    • Simply click the athlete's name add then search or scroll for the athlete you are looking for.

    • If you have access to groups, you will also be able to do this for the 'Compare with' section.

      • Please note that you can choose to override the group selected within individual widgets.

      • If you click the 'Reset' button it will then reset any widgets using group comparisons to the group selected on the top of the dashboard.

  • Choosing the date range

    • There are currently the options of; Latest, 1d, 7d, 30d, 90d and 365d

    • This is the date range of data that will be used to compare the latest session of data, within the widgets.

    • Please note that you can choose to override the date range selected within individual widgets.

    • If you click the 'Reset' button it will then reset any widgets using alternative date ranges to the date range selected on the top of the dashboard.

  • Making the dashboard 'Personal' or 'Global'

    • If you have access to our coach login feature, you can choose who can view your dashboards by setting them as either 'Personal' or 'Global'.

    • Personal; only you can view

    • Global; the entire organization can view

How to delete an Athlete Dashboard

To delete an athlete dashboard;

  1. Select the dashboard you wish to delete

  2. Click the three dots on the top right of the page

  3. Click 'Delete entire dashboard'

  4. Confirm the deletion of the dashboard by clicking 'Delete'

Important: You cannot delete a dashboard that you have set as your default dashboard.

Feature Walkthrough Video

The video below will take you through how to build an athlete dashboard and what each widget entails, including a brief breakdown of the insights available. This will give you a better understanding of how to build various athlete dashboards and what it entails.

You can also find a blog here, which will explain how customizable athlete dashboards streamline data management, track KPIs, set targets, and enhance competition to drive athlete performance.

Practical Application Walkthrough Video

The video below will take you through a sample athlete dashboard, including the example that is in your account. This should give you a better understanding of how to utilise and apply athlete dashboards.

You can also find a blog here, which will take you through a case-study of how Athlete Dashboards can transform athletic data into actionable insights for coaches.

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