Barbell Velocity Module in the Capture app
Velocity Based Training (VBT) is by definition a “form of auto-regulation of training, where day-to-day fluctuations can be accounted for by adjusting the training load” (Mann et al, 2015).
To break that down, VBT is a way to monitor an athlete’s readiness and ability to train via barbell velocity. If the bar is moving quickly, then the athlete’s readiness to train is high, and/or the load applied to the exercise is too low. If the bar is moving slowly, then readiness to train is low and/or the load is too high. You can find our guide to VBT here.
Using Output, you can;
Set min/max velocity targets or drop-off % for athletes to see as they train
Choose from one of the Pre-Defined Velocity Zones
Provide real-time target zone feedback to guide athletes as they train
Manage fatigue with velocity drop-off from either first or last rep
The video below will take you through how to use the Custom target options in the Barbell Velocity module.
1RM and 1RM auto-update
1-Repetition Max (1RM)
1-Repetition Max (1RM) is the maximum amount of weight an athlete can lift for one rep. It is a metric for assessing maximal strength, and is often used in the prescription of weight lifted using the percentage of 1RM.
Within the Capture app you can;
Quickly access personal bests and 1RM
Give athletes context where they stand today relative to their personal bests
Automatic detection of estimated new 1RM (based on the Mayhew et al. formula)
The video below will take you through the 1RM feature on the Capture app, along with personal best tracking.
Important: Your Capture app needs to be running at least 2.3.0 for 1RM features. Find out how to update your app here.
You can check out a video here, which will take you through how to go about setting bulk 1RM values for your athlete's. You can also check out a short pdf version here.
Customize metrics
When reviewing a barbell velocity exercise you have the option to customise what metrics you would like to review. Simply click 'Customize metrics' down the bottom of the review screen and select the metrics you would like to see.
Once selected you can expand or collapse the bar charts and also click on 'Why use this metric?' to learn more.
You can update your selection at any stage.
Note: If you change the metrics that are shown and you are sharing login details with someone, the chosen metrics will also update for them.
Important: Your Capture app needs to be running at least 2.28.0 to be able to customize rep metrics. Find out how to update your app here.
Ghost reps in VBT
Occasionally you may see additional reps being counted. This may be due to factors such as a low or high unracks or reracks. To help counteract this we suggest the following;
Use the timer down the bottom right hand side of the pre-record screen to give your athlete a chance to unrack the bar and get into the start position
You can edit the set post completion by using the edit button to clear any ghost reps - more info here
You may actually notice that the set corrects itself. In this case you do not have to do anything.