Balance & Stability Measures
Balance / Stability Score
Definition: A measurement of total body balance, calculated by the variance in accelerations across the x, y, and z planes.
Significance: Lower scores indicate better balance/stability, with normative data shown below.
Error Count
Definition: Represents how many errors (such as losing balance or collapsing during a plank) occurred in a set.
Significance: Manual entry used to track progress over time.
Barbell Velocity Measures
Peak Velocity
Definition: The highest bar speed during the concentric phase of a lift. It is a single point in time and will always be higher than the mean.
Significance: Tracks explosive power and is useful for exercises like loaded jumps or Olympic lifts.
Mean Velocity
Definition: The average speed of the bar across the entire concentric phase of a lift. Unlike peak velocity, it measures from the start until the end of the concentric phase of the lift.
Significance: Useful for prescribing training intensity and monitoring fatigue during strength and speed training.
Below chart shows the difference between Mean and Peak Velocity.
Mean Propulsive Velocity (MPV)
Definition: The average velocity before acceleration drops below gravity, taking into account any active deceleration that will naturally occur with lighter loads (>75% of 1RM).
Significance: Ensures quality reps with lighter loads and refines speed and power output.
Definition: The measure of the rate of doing work.
Formula: Power (W) = Force (N) × Velocity (m/s)
Mean Power
Definition: The average production of work over the concentric phase of the lift.
Significance: Tracks sustained effort and gauges improvements in work capacity.
Peak Power
Definition: The highest production of work during the concentric phase of the lift.
Significance: Essential for evaluating top-end performance in explosive lifts.
Relative Mean Power
Definition: Mean Power relative to the athlete's bodyweight
Formula: Mean Power / Bodyweight
Significance: Compares athletes or tracks progress in sports where the strength-to-weight ratio is important.
Relative Peak Power
Definition: Peak Power relative to the athlete's bodyweight
Formula: Peak Power / Bodyweight
Significance: Ideal for weight-class sports or tracking performance in athletes.
Definition: Push or pull on an object with mass that causes it to change velocity.
Formula: Force (N) = Mass × Acceleration
Mean Force
Definition: The average force generated during a rep in the concentric phase.
Significance: Tracks consistent strength output.
Peak Force
Definition: The highest force generated during a rep.
Significance: Critical for assessing maximum strength and force-generation capacity.
Relative Mean Force
Definition: The average force produced, across a rep, relative to the athlete's body weight.
Formula: Mean Force / Bodyweight
Significance: Evaluates performance in weight-class or efficiency-based sports.
Relative Peak Force
Definition: The highest force produced, during a rep, relative to the athlete's body weight.
Formula: Peak Force / Bodyweight
Significance: Ideal for sports where the strength-to-weight ratio is important.
Eccentric Mean Velocity
Definition: The average speed of the object during the eccentric (lowering) phase of a movement.
Significance: Eccentric mean velocity tracks controlled speed during weight lowering, aiding explosive, hypertrophy, or strength training goals.
Eccentric Peak Velocity
Definition: The highest speed reached during the eccentric (lowering) phase of a movement.
Significance: This metric helps track how explosively an athlete transitions into the concentric phase and can be useful for understanding dynamic control during explosive or reactive training.
Eccentric Time
Definition: The amount of time spent in the eccentric (lowering) phase of a movement.
Significance: Tracking eccentric time helps ensure the athlete is controlling the lowering phase of a movement. This is important for strength development, injury risk mitigation, and teaching movement control.
Concentric Time
Definition: Time taken to complete the upward phase of a lift.
Significance: Monitors the speed and efficiency of the concentric phase, which is critical for assessing explosive strength, technique, and fatigue during strength and power exercises.
Rep Duration
Definition: The total time taken to complete one repetition, including all phases of the movement.
Significance: Rep duration ensures the athlete is working at the intended tempo, considering all phases of the movement. It’s also a valuable indicator of fatigue and progression over time.
Definition: The amount of physiological work performed in lifting the weight.
Formula: Work (kJ) = Vertical Displacement (m) × Gravity (9.81 m/s) × Weight (kg)
Peak Acceleration
Definition: The highest rate of change of velocity from the start to the end of a rep.
Definition: Force applied over time.
Significance: Improves strength in slower lifts or optimizes acceleration in faster ones.
Vertical Displacement
Definition: The total vertical distance the bar travels during a lift.
Significance: Helps assess range of motion and technique consistency, ensuring optimal mechanics and identifying potential inefficiencies in movement patterns.
Strength Endurance and Strength Pathway Velocity Measures
Mean Angular Velocity
Definition: The average velocity through a specific range of motion.
Peak Angular Velocity
Definition: The highest velocity within a given range of motion.
Jump, RSI & Contact Measures
Contact Time
Definition: The time spent on the ground from initial foot contact to lift-off.
Air Time
Definition: The time spent in the air from foot lift-off to landing.
Drive Index
Definition: The ratio between ground contact time and air time.
Formula: Contact Time / Air Time
Significance: Measures efficiency of jump mechanics.
RSI (Reactive Strength Index)
Formula: RSI = Height Jumped (m) / Contact Time (s)
Significance: A measure of explosive strength in plyometric activities.
Jump Height
Definition: The highest point reached during a jump.
Max Jump Height
Definition: The highest point jumped across a set.
Average Jump Height
Definition: The average height jumped across a set.
Flight Time
Definition: Total time between leaving and landing on the ground.
Takeoff Velocity
Definition: The velocity at the moment of takeoff.
Total Work
Definition: The total work exerted throughout the movement, from the lowest point to the highest point.
Air / Contact Index
Formula: Air Time / Contact Time
Significance: Similar to RSI but calculated differently.
Formula: Momentum (kg·m/s) = Mass × Velocity
Significance: Identifies the optimal load for jump-based training.
Takeoff Momentum
Definition: Momentum at the moment of takeoff.
Average Momentum
Definition: The average momentum during a set.
Max Momentum
Definition: Maximum momentum achieved during a set.
Angular Measures (Nordics, Mobility, Strength Endurance & Strength Pathway)
Range of Motion (ROM)
Definition: The total range a part of the body can move around a joint.
Average Range of Motion
Definition: The average ROM across the set.
Max Range of Motion
Definition: The maximum ROM during a set.
Definition: The total time to complete a rep.