This guide will walk you through using Output Sports technology to conduct the Barbell Back Squat (VBT) testing. This test helps measure key metrics such as velocity, force, and power to optimize strength training.
Want to learn more about Velocity Based Training? Click here.
Key Equipment
Output Sports Sensor
Output Sports Barbell Strap
Smartphone or Tablet with Output Sports Capture App installed
1. Pair the Sensor
Open the Output Sports Capture app on your smartphone or tablet.
Follow the on-screen instructions to connect the sensor to your app via Bluetooth.
2. Position the Sensor
3. Select the exercise
In the Output Sports app, choose the "Back Squat" exercise from the available "Barbell Velocity" exercise options.
Edit the parameters for the test (weight & number of reps).
We recommend choosing to calculate by "Mean" for this strength based movement.
Enable the "Velocity Targets" feature, and select from the predefined Velocity Targets provided or create your own "Custom target" to help guide your performance throughout the test.
4. Configure Additional Features (Optional)
Enable or disable the 'countdown timer' found in the bottom right corner of the screen. This feature allows the athlete a preparation time of 5, 10, or 15 seconds, providing sufficient time to re-rack the barbell and minimizing the occurrence of ghost repetitions.
Activate or deactivate the 'video recording feature' found in the bottom right corner of the screen. This functionality enables both the coach and athlete to review the exercise performance, ensuring that proper form and technique are maintained throughout the squat.
Load the barbell to your selected weight.
Press the 'Start' button to begin the test.
Position yourself in the squat rack with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Begin the squat by descending into the hole, ensuring your technique is optimal for safety.
Push the barbell back up to standing, maintaining good form.
The Output Sports sensor will automatically track the barbell's velocity, force, and power during each repetition.
Review the Data
After completing the test, review key metrics in the Output Sports Capture app such as:
Mean Force (N) - The average force output during the lift.
Mean Power (W) - The average power output achieved during the lift.
For a more in-depth analysis and to compare your results with previous sessions, you can access the data in the HUB.