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Creating an athlete

You can create and edit your athlete's information via their profiles on the Capture app or Hub platform.

Elizabeth Kinsella-Kent avatar
Written by Elizabeth Kinsella-Kent
Updated over a week ago

Creating an Athlete Profile

When you log into the Capture app for the first time, you will need to create an athlete profile. If you have access to the Hub you can also create your athlete profiles there or you can bulk upload your athletes to save time also.

To create an athlete on Capture;

  1. Click the banner on the top of the screen that says 'Select Athlete'

  2. Click the '+' button on the bottom right hand corner of the screen

  3. Fill in your athlete's information (a minimum of first name, last name, and sex is required)

  4. Once you've included your athlete's information, click 'Add Athlete'

  5. Click their name to select that athlete

  6. You'll then be brought to the Home Screen and can begin to Capture data!

Tip: To create another athlete or swap between athlete's at any stage, you just have to select the banner on the top of the screen

Tip: To edit an athlete's information or delete them from your account, just click the edit button from the Home Screen at any stage

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