Bulk Upload Athletes
On the Hub, additional athletes can easily be added either individually or in bulk within the Athlete Hub, ensuring that you have each athlete's details on record to allow for seamless testing.
To bulk upload your athlete's;
Navigate to the Athlete Hub.
Click '+ Bulk Add' from the top right-hand side of the screen.
Download the Output Hub Bulk Upload Template by clicking on the download link or download them below (available in both metric and imperial measurement systems).
Fill in the spreadsheet with your athletes' information. A minimum of first and last name is required. Please delete out the example of 'John Doe' once you have finished filling in the information. Use the below table as a guide for how to enter in the profile information for your bulk upload.
βDrag and drop the file into the Hub. It has to be the template provided and be in .csv format.
Review the information you have uploaded. If there are any errors with uploading the file, you can hover over to find out what needs to be fixed.
Click 'Confirm' if you're happy and all athletes' will be uploaded.
During the upload, you also have the option of adding in additional athlete details such as their height and weight, creating groups to easily filter your athletes, and creating athlete-level logins.
Important: If you are adding an athlete to multiple groups, each group has to be separated by a ';'. The groups must be created prior to bulk uploading your athletes. You can find out more about groups here.
If you wish to create an athlete-level login, you must input an email address for each athlete, which will automatically send login info to the athlete's email address. You can find out more about athlete-level logins here.