Load Velocity Profiling
Load-Velocity profiling (LVP) is an excellent way to monitor and profile an athlete's strength, power, and velocity capabilities. It can also be used to estimate an athlete's one-rep max (1RM).
To establish an LVP for your athlete, it is recommended to first perform a standardized warm-up, in order to mitigate any risk of injury. Once the athlete is warmed up, you will aim to complete 5-sets of the exercise at various loads of the athletes' predicted 1RM. The aim is to perform each set with maximal intent, as failure to do so will lead to inconsistent data. An example of a Back Squat protocol is seen below:
Set 1 - 20 - 40% x 2 - 6 reps - (Something that feels quite light)
Set 2 - 40 - 50% x 2 - 4 reps - (Something that feels light)
Set 3 - 60 - 70% x 1 - 3 reps - (Something that feels sort of heavy)
Set 4 - 70 - 80% x 1 - 2 reps - (Something that feels heavy)
Set 5 - >80% x 1 rep (Something that feels very heavy)
Using the 'Profiling Chart' option in Hub you can then plot the profile.
You can quickly access this by; Athlete Hub > Select the athlete > Select the Profiling Chart option > Select the exercise and desired metric > Select the performed sets
Note: The Profiling Chart works by selecting the best rep from the set.
Our CEO, Martin O'Reilly, walks you through the step-by-step approach to Load-Velocity profiling below.
Using MVT's To Predict 1RM'S
Minimal Velocity Threshold (MVT) is typically referred to as 1RM velocity, and can provide an estimation of an athlete's 1RM. They are exercise specific and have been derived from research that gathered data from hundreds of athletes' strength assessments, primarily from compound movements such as a Back Squat or Bench Press. With the incorporation of MVT's in the Profiling Chart on Hub, you can easily determine and update 1RM's for your athletes.
Important: MVT's are only available for the following exercises:
Back Squat
Bench Press
Bench Pull
Hip Thrust
Incline Bench Press
Overhead Press
Trap Bar Deadlift
Comparing Load-Velocity profiles
Profiling Chart Comparisons makes it super simple for coaches to monitor an athlete's response to training interventions in order to further individualise their training over time.
Using Pre-Defined Velocity Zones to Create a Load-Velocity Profile
Simplify the process of creating a Load-Velocity Profile (LVP) by leveraging the Pre-Defined Velocity Zones in the Capture app. These zones are designed to align with specific movement types, training aims, and velocity ranges, making it easy to set up and track your athlete's performance.
Tip: By aligning your training sessions with these pre-defined zones, you can streamline the creation of an accurate and effective LVP while enhancing your athlete’s performance in a targeted and data-driven way.
How to Use Pre-Defined Velocity Zones:
Select the Exercise from the Barbell Velocity category:
Choose the "Barbell Velocity" exercise you plan to perform.Navigate to Velocity Targets:
Toggle on the "Velocity Targets" section to access the Pre-Defined Velocity Zones.Choose a Zone:
Select a zone based on the training aim (e.g., power or strength). Each zone provides:A recommended velocity range
A training effect
%1RM guidelines
Perform Sets in Your Chosen Zone:
Use the velocity zone as a guide to adjust the load and ensure each set is performed with maximal intent.