See below a sample testing battery you can utilise with your athlete's using Output Sports technology. Each section is divided into a different Bio-Motor Quality and will highlight recommended exercises and metrics to look at.
Bio-Motor Quality;
Bio-Motor Quality: Movement Quality
General look on the athlete's movement as a whole and looking for any big elephant's in the room to work on.
Output Categories Used: Mobility/Stability/Balance/Custom Exercises
Metrics to look for: Range of Motion
Knee to wall
Hip External Rotation (Prone)
Hip Internal Rotation (Prone)
Straight Leg Raise
Shoulder Extension
Shoulder Flexion
Shoulder External Rotation
Shoulder Internal Rotation
Torso Rotation
Metrics to look for: Stability Score + Error Count
Glute Bridge Single Leg
Side Plank
Metrics to look for: Balance Score + Error Count
Single Leg Eyes Closed
Custom Balance Exercises
Metrics to look for: Balance Score + Error Count
Double Leg Altitude Landing
Single Leg Altitude Landing
Note: The custom balance exercises mentioned above will first have to be created in your account prior to using them. You can find out more information on how to do that here.
Bio-Motor Quality: Lower Body Power + Stretch Shortening Cycle Capabilities
This will provide the coach with different insights into an athlete’s maximum vertical lower-body power capabilities.
Output Categories Used: Jumps/Reactive Strength
Lower Body Power
Metrics to look for: Jump Height
Slow Stretch Shortening Cycle Capabilities
Metrics to look for: Eccentric Utilisation Ratio (% Difference between the Squat Jump Height & the CMJ Height)
Squat Jump
Note: We do not currently offer Eccentric Utilisation Ratio as a metric, but you can quickly calculate using the formula mentioned above.
Fast Stretch Shortening Cycle Capabilities
Metrics to look for: RSI/Jump Height/Contact Time
Drop Jump
Bio-Motor Quality: Lower Body Strength
An excellent way to monitor and profile an athlete’s strength, power and velocity capabilities. Estimate an athlete’s 1 rep max (1RM), compare athletes’ performance characteristics, and personalise exercise prescription - allowing for tailoring training to specific qualities depending on whether you’re focusing on speed, strength and/or power.
Output Categories Used: Barbell Velocity
Lower Body Strength
Metrics to look for: Mean Velocity/Mean Power
Back Squat
Bio-Motor Quality: Upper Body Strength
An excellent way to monitor and profile an athlete’s strength, power and velocity capabilities. Estimate an athlete’s 1 rep max (1RM), compare athletes’ performance characteristics, and personalise exercise prescription - allowing for tailoring training to specific qualities depending on whether you’re focusing on speed, strength and/or power.
Output Categories Used: Barbell Velocity
Upper Body Strength
Metrics to look for: Mean Velocity/Mean Power
Bench Press
Bench Pull
Testing Battery Sample Workout
If you would like to get this testing battery as a workout in your account, so you can roll this out with your athlete's, please contact [email protected].