The 10-5 RSI Test measures an athlete's ability to generate maximum flight time while minimizing ground contact time over 10 consecutive hops. The test provides insights into an athlete’s reactive strength and plyometric efficiency, helping to identify performance potential and areas for improvement in explosiveness.
Want to learn more about normative data in RSI? Click here.
Key Equipment
Output Sports Sensor
Output Sports Foot Strap
Output Sports Sensor Pocket
Smartphone or Tablet with Output Sports Capture App installed
1. Pair the Sensor
Open the Output Sports Capture app on your smartphone or tablet.
Connect the sensor to your app via Bluetooth.
2. Position the Sensor
Put the Output sensor into the foot strap pocket with the charging port facing down.
Securely attach the sensor to the selected foot for optimal performance tracking (see image below).
3. Configure Additional Features
In the Output Sports Capture app, select “10-5 Test” from the exercise menu.
Enable or disable the 'countdown timer' found in the bottom right corner of the screen. This feature provides the athlete with a preparation time of 5, 10, or 15 seconds, allowing them to adequately prepare and get into position before starting the test.
Activate or deactivate the 'video recording feature' found in the bottom right corner of the screen. This functionality enables both the coach and athlete to review the exercise performance, ensuring that proper form and technique are maintained throughout the squat.
1. Starting Position:
Stand upright with a slight bend in the knees.
Keep the arms relaxed at your sides.
Ensure your posture is balanced and you are ready for continuous hopping.
2. Hop Phase:
The test begins by performing a single hop as explosively as possible. Focus on driving upward with your calves, quads, and glutes to maximize flight time.
After landing, immediately push off the ground to initiate the next hop, aiming to generate maximum power with minimal time on the ground.
Repeat this for 10 hops, focusing on each hop being explosive and quick, without pausing or slowing down between hops.
The goal is to spend as little time as possible on the ground (reduce ground contact time) and maximize the height and flight time of each hop.
3. Landing and Rebounding:
As you land from each hop, aim to land softly and with minimal absorption time.
Ensure your knees are slightly bent to absorb the impact and quickly push off for the next hop.
Each landing should be controlled, avoiding excessive bouncing or instability.
Review the Data
After completing the test, review key metrics in the Output Sports Capture app such as:
RSI - RSI measures an athlete’s ability to produce explosive force quickly, calculated as jump height divided by ground contact time.
Flight Time (s) - The duration the athlete spends in the air between take-off and landing during a jump.
Contact Time (s) - The time spent on the ground from initial foot contact to lift-off.
For a more in-depth analysis and to compare your results with previous sessions, you can access the data in the HUB.