Leaderboards drive intent and competition amongst your athletes. Through a user-friendly display of athletes' scores for a particular exercise, you can toggle between metrics and time periods to see who is coming out on top in realtime.
Within Hub Leaderboards you can create up to 3 different leaderboards, which can be subsequently filtered within a training setting allowing athletes to clearly see who has set the records within their groups on specific exercises.
Points to note about Leaderboards;
In order for Leaderboards to work in live time, internet connection is required for your Capture app.
If you are using a filter on a leaderboard it works as an 'and' filter rather than an 'or' filter. Meaning it will look for overlaps in groups you have chosen rather than showing both groups.
There is no autoscroll on a leaderboard, but each new result will populate on the leaderboard momentarily.
The leaderboard will only show the result if the athlete has surpassed their previous score for the selected time period.
You can only make one leaderboard into a full screen at one time.
To create a Leaderboard;
Navigate to 'Leaderboards' on the Hub.
Click 'Create Leaderboard' from the top right hand side.
Give your leaderboard name, choose the exercise and associated metric you would like to show on the leaderboard. This will also then be the default name for the leaderboard unless you have named it otherwise.
Your leaderboard will save automatically.
Once created, you can then quickly 'Filter by Groups' and update leaderboard settings via the βοΈ button at the bottom of the leaderboard.
Through the settings you can update information about the leaderboard, set the 'Time Period' and choose to turn on 'Relative Ranking'.
To delete a leaderboard simply click the
Important: You cannot use the same names for different leaderboards
Relative Leaderboards
Once you have created a leaderboard you can also toggle on the 'Relative Ranking' option.
Relative ranking enables you to rank an athlete by a percentage of their best, based on your chosen comparison period. With Relative Leaderboards, you can assess athletes by comparing their current performance with their personal best scores within a specific time frame or season segment. This helps with gauging an athlete's progress more effectively.