How to set up a monitoring template
When you initially log in you will be greeted with a sample template showing you a range of chosen exercises along with their associated traffic light indicator.
These can be altered and customised by;
Navigate to the 'Settings' menu on Hub
Click into 'Athlete Monitoring'
From here you can create a new template by clicking 'Create a new template' or you can edit the sample template by clicking on it
You can choose up to a maximum of 6 different measurements to display
You can also determine how the thresholds for the different indicators are calculated in terms of a Percentage (%) or Standard Deviation (Ο), and then specify the number below for each colour
Once you have created some templates you can easily switch between them via the Athlete Hub, and you can also set your preferred default template by clicking the check box. You can create as many templates as you like.
Check out our more detailed video below taking you through how to set up a monitoring template;
How to maximise your use of monitoring templates
You can use Output's built-in monitoring features to track and assess your patient/athlete's progress.
The traffic light monitoring system will enable you to quickly and easily identify at risk athletes. Using your customisable and preset thresholds, you can quickly filter your athletes by top performing, in need of attention or last tested.
Check out our more detailed explanation below: