What is a workout label?
Workout labelling allows you to create and assign labels to your workouts, enhancing your ability to organize and filter them more effectively and efficiently. You can create customised labels, which will allow you to filter your workouts based on various criteria such as phases, blocks, intervals, specific targets, season blocks, semesters etc.
By utilizing workout labels, you can save time by easily searching for specific labels enabling you to quickly find and access the workouts you are looking for. This saves you from scrolling through a long list to find what workout you are looking for.
By filtering by groups and labels, you can easily access workouts relevant to specific teams or training programs. Similarly, filtering by athletes and labels enables you to focus on workouts tailored to individual needs and preferences, saving you time and effort.
Note: Not all packages include access to Groups. If you are unsure please contact [email protected]
Some best practices that we recommend when creating and using labels;
The first label you assign will be the label to show in the label column
By assigning multiple labels, it will allow you to drill down to specific workouts more efficiently
If you have access to groups, the combination of filtering by groups and labels can really help the flow
We recommend assigning labels from least specific to most specific eg; Block > Week > Day
How to create a workout label
Navigate to the Workouts tab on Hub
Select the workouts you would like to create a label for
Click the label+ icon (highlighted by the blue circle in image below)
Type the name of the label you wish to create
Tick the box to the left of the Add text
Some important points to note;
A workout must be created prior to creating any labels
Once a label has been created it can be used numerous times
Your label can have a maximum of 30 characters. Allowed characters are letters, numbers, dot (.), hyphen (-), and underscore (_)
You cannot create the same label twice, regardless of letter casing
How to assign a workout label
Similar to creating a label;
Select the workouts you would like to assign a label to
Click the label+ icon
Search for the name of an existing label
Tick the box next to the label name
Labels are now retained when a workout is duplicated
How to un-assign a workout label
Similar to assigning a label;
Select the workouts you would like to un-assign the label for
Click the label+ icon
Search for the name of the label
Un-tick the box next to the label name
How to filter with workout labels
Click the label icon (highlighted by the red circle in image below)
Select the name of the label you would like to filter by
This will narrow down your workouts to only show you workouts that you have assigned that specific label to
How to delete a workout label
Similar to filtering by a label;
Click the label icon
Select the name of the label you would like to delete
This will narrow down your workouts to only show you workouts that you have assigned that specific label to
Select all these workouts by clicking the box next to 'Name'
Click the label+ icon
Untick the box next to the label you wish to delete
Some important points to note;
This will not delete your workouts
This will permanently delete that label
You cannot edit the name of a label
How workout labels work on Capture
Once you have created labels for your workouts, you and your athletes will be able to use them in the Capture app.
Navigate to the Workout section of the Capture app
Click the 'Filter by' icon down the bottom left of the screen. This will appear for your athletes once a workout with a label has been assigned to them.
Select the label you wish to filter the workouts by
This will then narrow down the workouts you see
Workout Labelling Video
The video below will detail all of the above steps.